Saturday, July 31, 2010

Step 2

You're HOW OLD???

So, based on our last encounter in this blog, you would assume the worst... or at least that's what I would assume...

In life, we have our ups and downs, and downs, and downs, and a few more downs... I couldn't help but overhear the other day, 3 men at a bar having a conversation. Tits, beer, and cursing... So, sounds like a perfectly reasonable kind of conversation for a few men in a bar, yes??? But there I sat, passing silent (and maybe sometimes not so silent) criticism on my peers.

And so I had to ask myself... These idiots I criticize, you know the ones... people who can't hold down a decent conversation, can't drive without using the horn, push people out of the way because their life is far more important than yours... Am I turning into one of them??

A few years ago, I was that guy, swearing, perving, drinking, more or less of the impression that I would always be young and carefree, going where the wind took me, living life to the fullest, hour at a time kind of thing... Then something happened...

I got OLD........ really fast...........

Not that I know how this happened, and you would be incorrect that it was a reflection on my newly married status, but it happened almost overnight...

You know you've really got to start considering how old you're acting when you start hearing 'when I was that age' and 'what is wrong with kids these days?' coming from your own mouth... I've turned into my father... OVERNIGHT!!!

Now, I must admit, my father is not a bad man to turn into, he has been very successful through his life, and I would be lucky to turn out with half as many achievements under my belt by his age, but really?? When did I turn into an old man??

But we have to way up the pros and cons here... There are benefits to being in this situation, for example, I much prefer dinner parties to the blind drunk evening at the pub (not least for the fact that my bedroom goes from an hour to a minute away). Unfortunately, the cons are that nowadays, I find myself biting my tongue A LOT more... A couple of times in the last few weeks, I think I may have even come close to detaching it.

So maybe I have to try to hold my tongue rather than biting it, consider that the idiocy of youth is something that I am not all that recently removed from, and start to work on my "tolerance".

But for the meantime, we'll make the best of what life throws at us, and if life continues to throw good wine, good food, an amazing wife, and a marriage to stand the test of time at me, then hey... who am I to argue???

In retrospect.........
You know, I can look back on the last few years of my life, and commentate on how old I got, or how critical I have become, but I always fail to mention quite how much all these things are indicative (in a good way) of the new life I share with my wife.

I may be sometimes bitter, sometimes conceited, never modest, always highly strung...
But all of these things fail to taint the support and dedication I have behind me.... I may be getting older every day, but I have a woman that makes me feel as young and carefree as the day I met her...

I know this is a bit sentimental, but hey... us oldies have a tendency to get a bit sentimental every now and again...

'Til next time